How much does a big mac cost in asutralia
How much does a big mac cost in asutralia

how much does a big mac cost in asutralia how much does a big mac cost in asutralia

When you look at wages you also have to see that 20 euros in Denmark cannot be compared to 20 euros in North America, as the social system in Europe has, of course, quite a high standard and the wages are especially high in Denmark. However, the quality is also very high, as Danes like high quality. Unlike in Berlin, where I could afford going to a restaurant almost everyday, this wouldn’t be possible here. “Denmark is really expensive compared to Germany, where people mainly look at the price of products. My colleague Andreas Wieland (who is German) actually lives in Copenhagen Denmark, and added his two cents: As incomes increase, perhaps then a majority of consumers will be more able and willing to pay the more expensive prices that will drive lasting changes in sourcing and production.” I would like to believe that the former is true, and that as greater production efficiency from automation and other technological innovations eliminates jobs we are quite literally unwilling to pay humans enough to do, the labor market will shift to more valuable skills that will increase incomes. So far, most consumers haven’t shifted their buying criteria very far from price, either because they cannot afford to do so or because the “externalities” now being priced back into some products are not important to them. It’s also very tricky to measure, and the corporate “economic impact” campaigns I’ve worked on previously have been highly politicized and deeply suspected by journalists and the general public.

how much does a big mac cost in asutralia

Income is absolutely the most important factor in reducing poverty and improving living conditions generally, and both vocational education and higher minimum wages would likely contribute to higher incomes. “My short answer is yes, though I wouldn’t accept a dogmatic view either way. Some of the research we have done through the Center for Environmental Farming suggests that consumers SAY they will pay more for a locally grown product – but the empirical evidence doesn’t always support that.Īndrew Pederson, a co-author on a joint article soon to be published in SCMR who has a great deal of experience working in the fair labor space, provided his input: But it boils down to whether the American public will pay more for their burger knowing that it is helping someone make a living wage. But could that same argument be used as a basis for lifting American workers out of poverty? “We Danes accept that a burger is expensive, but we also know that working conditions and wages are decent when we eat that burger,” said Soren Kaj Andersen, a University of Copenhagen professor who specializes in labor issues.”īob asks an interesting question: Is the notion of paying a higher wage – whether it’s $10 an hour, $15 an hour, or $20 an hour – a potential competitive advantage by a company touting what it does to lift domestic workers out of poverty? Many companies today use certifications and labeling to argue that they’re charging a higher price for coffee or tee shirts to benefit workers in Ethiopia or Bangledesh. But that is a price Danes are willing to pay. True, a Big Mac here costs more - $5.60, compared with $4.80 in the United States. “In interviews, Danish employees of McDonald’s, Burger King and Starbucks said that even though Denmark had one of the world’s highest costs of living - about 30 percent higher than in the United States - their $20 wage made life affordable. Here’s the sentences that caught my eye in the NYT article: Today’s NYT has an article about how fast food restaurants like McDonald’s and Burger King pay $20 an hour – a living wage – in Denmark. DCs and plants have been automating for years to eliminate the number of higher paying jobs on the shop floor, and that ain’t going to change. Not to step into the match, but I write about warehouse and factory automation. Instead, he argues that we should encourage and support vocational education that will train workers for higher paying jobs. He uses the example of McDonald’s investigating automation technologies to replace workers in its restaurants. Morici argues that we don’t need to raise the minimum wage for those jobs that pay minimum wage – that’ll only create more unemployment because companies with low wage jobs will just automate rather than pay the higher wage. “A friend sent me an email today with a link to a column by Peter Morici, a well-known conservative economist and writer (you see him on Xerox commercials wearing a bow tie) titled: Lift Vocational Education, not Minimum Wage, to Fight Inequality. Bob Trebilock, editor of the Supply Chain Management Review, sent me an interesting email today that poses an interesting set of questions.

How much does a big mac cost in asutralia